Planning Applications
We provide a comprehensive and professional service which includes the preparation and submission of all drawings, documents and notices which will be required for planning applications. We also liaise with the local planning authority should any difficulties arise during your planning application.
A site survey will be carried out by us in order to take levels and check site boundaries, also to check site entrance and sight lines so that the site map can be prepared for the planning application.

As part of your planning application it is required that we advertise for you in your local newspaper. We also prepare a site notice which will need to be erected on the site close to where the proposed entrance will be so it will be visible when a local authority engineer visits the site. If the site notice is not erected, then the application may be returned, causing loss of time, which will hold up any construction you may have planned for.
Accompanying the application form we will need to prepare a site layout map showing the boundaries marked in red, the site levels, the proposed entrance, the foul drainage details, (whether it is a septic tank & percolation area or mini-treatment plant), water supply and also a landscaping scheme showing proposed and existing trees and hedging is required. Official ordinance survey maps need to accompany the planning application, clearly outlining the site in red and the overall landholding outlined in blue.

Full planning permission must be received before any work can commence on the proposed development.
Contact Martin Kelly Planning now for more information at
Mobile: 085 7255182
Mullingar Office:
104 Greenpark Meadows
Westmeath: 085 7255182
Members of Engineers Ireland