Martin Kelly Planning

For all your planning needs
Residential & Commercial
Construction Supervision
Snag Lists, House Surveys
House Plans, Extension Plans,
Conservatory Plans, Garage
Plans, and much more

We cover all aspects
from initial design,
site layout design to
preparation of planning
application documents.

Martin Kelly Planning Drawings for Planning Applications


An Bord Pleanala

The planning system includes a comprehensive appeals process. Under this, all planning decisions made by the Planning Authority may be subjected to independent review by An Bord Pleanala. The applicant, if he/she feels aggrieved by a decision or any condition of a decision, or any person can appeal same to the Board.

Appeals should be received by the Board within the one month appeal period. An Bord Pleanala has four months within which to make a decision on a appeal but this period may be extended by the Board if it is not possible for them to make such a decision within this time period.

Contact Martin Kelly Planning now for more information at

Mobile: 085 7255182

Mullingar Office:
104 Greenpark Meadows


Westmeath: 085 7255182

Members of Engineers Ireland